The restoration work inside the lodge has begun! As you all are well aware, this rebuilding process has been a slow one. Rest assured, progress is being made. The Board of Officers continues to meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at Backroads Bar & Grill (5:30 PM). The most recent Board meeting held on 8/23 resulted in many items being discussed. Our first installment check has been received from the insurance company and it’s time to get busy.
The roof has been temporarily patched by Dennis Todd. A full roof replacement will most likely occur sometime in the Spring of 20233. Supply chain issues and weather is dictating this time frame.
The bar side of the lodge is being worked on as the wall behind the bar is being taken down to the bare bricks! We are currently looking into soda blasting the wall (cleaning) then sealing the bricks. The ceiling of the bar side social quarters will now match the dining side with the open beam structure exposed and painted black. The physical bar itself will be modified to have a waitress station accessible from the front and back of the bar. Full design of the bar itself is still in the works.
A $25,000 grant request has been submitted to Moose International. Should we successfully receive this grant, we have plans to expand the kitchen. The back wall of the lodge would be pushed out towards the back lot (even with overhang). Fingers crossed!
We are still awaiting to hear from insurance on the equipment status. There are several concerns about the water damage to our walk-in cooler. More investigation is being done as to the integrity of the walls & insulation of that cooler. Should we need a new walk-in, the Board discussed expanding that as well.
After much discussion, it was decided to go back to carpeting as opposed to hardwood flooring. The carpet style was displayed at our 2022 Family Picnic and received many positive comments. The choice for carpeting will help reduce sound echo and sharply reduce slip possibilities during inclement weather conditions.
Speaking of the Family Picnic, both the picnic and Blues Brews and BBQ were extremely successful. The Moose turnout was fantastic at both events. The Board of Officers discussed the possibility of a Holly Moose Lodge Fall Celebration in October. Time is short, but if we can pull it off…we will Make It Happen!
Be sure to mark your calendars for HollyDays 9/10. This year we will have Jon Fett Quartet rocking on the Oakland County band stage in the street. Dust off those dancing shoes!
As always, our lodge building may be closed…we are NOT! Thanks to all you for keeping our Holly Moose Lodge alive. Without our members, we have no Moose.
LOOM and WOTM dues can be paid easily online at
Stay tuned. We are just getting started!